Fess Family of Four; Our first vacation!

May 08, 2017
After being unable to travel because of my pregnancy and then having a newborn, we decided it was time for a trip! We wanted to go somewhere we could fly on the rotator, which is why we chose Spain.

The morning of the day we were supposed to leave, Nicolette got her first cough. The doctor gave her the pass to travel so we went forward with the trip. After our first day in Madrid, I became sick with a cold and it trickled down through us all. By the time we were heading back from our trip, we were all better. The irony! I just happened to be traveling with our essential oils, so I would steam up the bathroom and have Nicolette hangout in her carseat and breathe in the steam!

Typically, when we vacation, we arrive and hit the ground running. It's not unusual for us to walk 10 miles in a day. We got to Madrid and took off... after the first day and a half we quickly realized with two children in tow (especially an infant!) this was not going to be our usual vacation. We scaled back to seeing 2 sights per day, and coming back to the hotel in-between. Roman was walking a lot more this trip then he was used to having outgrown the stroller. Nicolette wasn't the biggest fan of being in the baby carrier (it was still quite hot!) the whole time so we needed the down time.

We learned a lot this trip!

1) Traveling light is key! Traveling with two children is an adjustment after being used to traveling with only one!

2) Traveling with a four year is old is actually harder than traveling with a infant! Nicolette was a breeze. Roman's picky eating and desire for more child friendly sight-seeing made things more difficult. Therefore, packing a few microwaveable Mac and Cheese dinners may have saved our sanity on this trip. We were also thankful for the McDonald's nearby our hotel. The irony of things you say you'll never let your kids say/do/eat...

3) Always pack a JUST IN CASE (JIC) bag as a carry-on. See previous post about our delayed return home!

4) We want to relax on vacation a little more than we used to. Tropical Islands, and beach resorts are not our typical go-to for vacations but trekking around with two kids isn't always relaxing!

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