African Safari Park

June 07, 2013
Last weekend we made the trek to a "African Safari Park" that is about 3 hours away in Beppu, Japan. Not only do you get to see all different kinds of safari animals, but you get to feed them! There are also several areas where you can hold and pet other kinds of animals. R loves animals, and had a blast. We love how hands on and interactive the zoo's are here. He is going to be very spoiled when we head back to the states and I can hear him now: "What mom? You mean I can't feed the zebras? Hold the monkeys??"

Random fact: Traveling in Japan is expensive because all the roads are toll roads, and can easily cost you hundreds to get somewhere. To avoid it, you can rent a car from the base and you get "free" toll tickets to your location. 

Behind us is the armored vehicle you ride on. 

Checking out the baby lion cub. This cub may look cute and cuddly but his animal instincts were in tact! One mini growl from this cub and I was ready to take off running. 

Passed out on the car ride home.

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